I'm Charisse
Surface pattern designer, author, and eco-conscious interior design consultant. Bringing balance, harmony, and flow into homes and lives. Created to serve a purpose, and with purpose.
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Healthy Lifestyle

Water Consciousness

Protect our global waters

Water consciousness begins with us

Don’t Throw Away – Reuse

Not all water bottles are created equal. Throwaway plastic water bottles are a growing global phenomenon with a negative impact on our natural resources, healthy, flying feathered friends, and life within our waters.

Here are the 5 biggest reasons to ditch those throwaway bottles and opt for Reusable ones instead:

01- Plastic Pollutes Our Earth

Plastic bottles are not biodegradable. In North America alone, +\-38 billion plastic water bottles go into landfills, where they break down into teeny-tiny micro-plastic pieces leaching out harmful chemicals.

And by the way, fish eat microplastics, and we eat fish.

02- Plastic Harms the Atmosphere

During manufacturing (life) and incineration (death), particulates enter the atmosphere creating pollution and impacting (life after death).

03-Plastic Threatens Global Waters

Garbage patches are rapidly mounting in ocean gyres and seas. around the globe. Impacts life. Takes life.

Garbage patches

As we consciously act on how, why, and when to use water,

we become part of the solution and not the problem.

Watch The Story of Bottled Water

5 Gyres Institute

Eco-Conscious Home Book Get yours!

I’m delighted for you to have read my writing on water consciousness and would love to know of one thing you put into action.

Learn more about my work as an Eco-Conscious Interior Designer and Surface Pattern Designer at Charisse Marei website and follow me on insta @charissemarei

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I'm Charisse Marei

Surface pattern design artist, author, and eco-conscious interior designer.

This story began decades ago (including the interior design of corporate jets) and took off from there.

I’ve spent decades studying, teaching, and applying the science of healthy buildings and sustainable design practices.

Now, I rely on the power of surface pattern design to soften noise, lessen clutter, and welcome others into a creative world of joy, beauty, and balance.

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Learn how to live a healthier, happier, and more productive lifestyle. With this guide, your daily life will feel more balanced, inspiring, and oh so beautiful.


Follow along for glimpses into new patterns designed + eco-conscious tips for living well.
